2024-2025 Catalog

THTR 419 Plays in Process: Page to Stage

In this one semester course Writing for the Stage students will engage in the collaborative process of bringing their original short plays (25 minutes of less) to production in the Bordeau Box Theatre. During the semester students will work with an adjunct faculty or student director to develop their work, revise their plays based on feedback from their fellow students and professor, participate in the casting process, attend rehearsals, collaborate with student designers, and attend performances of their play. In addition to attending rehearsals, students will meet weekly to reflect on the production process, discuss selected readings and learn hands on skills in order to be prepared to work professionally upon graduation. At the end of the semester students will be required to turn in a complete, revised draft of their play as well as an in-depth reflection on the collaborative process. To be accepted into the course students must submit a proposal for their short play based on pre-determined criteria. If approved, students will then be required to write a first draft prior to the start of the semester. Course can be repeated but may not be taken in consecutive semesters. This course can be repeated up to two times with permission of the department.




THTR 396 A-B This course can be taken concurrently with THTR 496 A or B.