2024-2025 Catalog

Major: Politics and Human Rights, B.A. (2207), 42 Credits

The Politics and Human Rights major allows students to explore the key issues shaping the world today from an interdisciplinary social science perspective. Students are not required to specialize in any particular area, but those who wish do so may choose one of two "tracks." Students in the United Nations track will focus their coursework on international studies and are encouraged to apply to MMC's competitive United Nations Program, which offers full-time professional immersion in UN programs, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) accredited to the United Nations, and Permanent Missions of Member States. Students in the media production track will gain the skills to communicate issues of politics and human rights through creative media.

General Education: 30 Credits; Major: 42 Credits; Elective Credits: 48 Credits

Learning Goals for the Major in Politics and Human Rights

After completing the Politics and Human Rights major, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history and content of major political and human rights issues.
  • Situate political and human rights issues in a historical context.
  • Apply multiple theoretical approaches to issues of politics and human rights.
  • Evaluate issues of politics and human rights in various contexts and within their own experience.

A. Foundations (9 credits)

PHR 101Foundations of Social and Political Inquiry


PS 106 Introduction to U.S. Politics


IS 116Power: Conflict and Diplomacy



COMM 112Storytelling Across Media


Students in the media production track will take COMM 112 in place of either PS 106 or IS 116.

B. Theory and Methods (9 Credits)

Take all the courses below.

SOC 330/PHR 330Great Social Thinkers


PHR 357/IS 357Human Rights in Comparative Perspective


PHR 371/IS 371Research Methods in Social Sciences


Note that PHR 371 should be taken in spring semester of junior year.

C. Experiential Learning (6 Credits)

Take any two of the following courses. Study abroad courses may also count towards experiential learning requirements.

PHR 205/SOC 205Urban Sociology


PHR 207Visual Culture


SW 209/PHR 209Practicum in Social Work


PHR 210/SOC 210Anthropology at Museums in New York City


PHR 264/PS 264Public Policy Analysis


PHR 299Independent Study/Internship


PHR 314/SOC 314/SOC 234Ethnography


PHR 316/HIST 316Archival Methods


PHR 326/ART 326Photography and Social Engagement: A Road to Activism


PHR 333/PS 333Mock Trial


PHR 336/PS 336/SOC 336Playing Politics


PHR 346/AIP 346Reform or Revolution: Radical New York in the Early 20th Century


PHR 399Independent Study/Internship


PHR 499Independent Study/Internship


SW 315Field Experience in Human Services I


IS 324United Nations: History, Theory and Practice


COMM 216/DANC 216/MUS 216Digital Sound Workshop


COMM 233Video Field Production


COMM 355Film, Art, Theatre, Dance: Stand Up Speak Out


Bedford Hills and Taconic College Programs Combined Course

Students in the United Nations track will take IS 324 and 3 credits of internship or study abroad.

Students in the media production track will take COMM 216 or COMM 233 followed by COMM 355.

Electives (12 Credits)

Take any 12 additional credits in the social sciences (PHR, PS, SOC, or IS), at least six of which must be at the 300-level or above. History courses may also count as electives with advisor approval.

Students in the United Nations track must include a minimum of six credits of IS courses at the 300 level or above. IS 315 International Law is strongly recommended for students who wish to apply to the MMC United Nations program.

Senior Seminar Sequence (6 credits)

The senior seminar sequence requires students to produce an in-depth research project in the senior seminar and extend that research in the form of an applied project, internship, or creative media piece.

PHR 450/IS 479Senior Seminar


IS 399Independent Study/Internship


COMM 326Producing For Creative Media


COMM 359Directing Video


PHR 397Research


Take PHR 450 followed by 3 credits of PHR 397. Students in the UN track may choose to substitute IS 399 for PHR 397. Students in the media production track will take either COMM 326 or COMM 359 in place of PHR 397.