
2024-2025 Catalog

Courses in Music are intended for students who have an interest in studying music as a complement to their chosen program. While these courses do not provide a major in Music, the College does offer courses in music history, appreciation, creation, and performance.

Students have several options for private or group instrumental or vocal lessons. The Music Lessons Program, in partnership with two prominent local music schools, offers non-credit private or group lessons at special rates negotiated for MMC students. Music lessons also may be taken as for-credit Independent Study projects (lesson fees + credit fees). Additionally, through our articulation agreement with Hunter College, MMC students may take up to 6 credits per semester at Hunter, including group instruction in piano, guitar, voice, and many other courses in their Music programs.

Students may also elect to take the Music Minor, which is designed to promote musical knowledge and literacy as a component of interdisciplinary scholarship, and to provide a framework for creative opportunities for students with musical skills already at an intermediate level. The Music Minor requires 18 credits distributed among three areas of study: Music Scholarship (6-9 credits), Musicianship (3-9) and Creative Production (3-6). In this way, students can customize the minor to complement or expand their interests and abilities.

For further information and current offerings, inquire in the Visual & Performing Arts Divisional Office. Barbara Tiernan.

Academic Division: Visual and Performing Arts
Division Office: Nugent Hall, Theatre Office
Office Phone: 212-774-0760
Division Chair: Mary Fleischer
Academic Department: Theatre Arts
Department Chair: Jill Stevenson
Administrative Coordinator: Barbara Tiernan
Program Coordinator: Andrew Warshaw


Program Faculty:

Faculty members from across the College teach music courses.

Mark Ringer

Andrew Warshaw


Music Courses (BUS)


Music Programs:

Minor: Music, 18 Credits

Minor: Music Industry, 18 Credits