Students are advised to consider the following when making decisions about study options outside of MMC in their senior year of study:
- Study Abroad and Hunter/Pace Consortium - It is recommended that students do not take study abroad or Hunter or Pace Consortium courses in their final semester. Transcripts from Study Abroad institutions or from Hunter College or Pace University*, which often follow a different calendar from ours, may be received after the graduation deadline. *Participating in a consortial agreement does not guarantee graduation. Should a transcript not be received on time, the student’s graduation date will be postponed to the next graduation period.
- Course waiver and course substitutions must be approved by the appropriate authorities (Division/Department Chairs) and submitted before the graduation deadline date. Any delay in the submitting these documents may postpone a student’s graduation date.
- Graduating seniors should not request an INC (incomplete) grade in the final semester of study. Delay in resolving an incomplete grade may postpone graduation to the next graduation period.
- Participating (Walking) during the commencement ceremony does not guarantee the graduating senior is an MMC graduate when the commencement event is over. Seniors will not be awarded a degree if all degree requirements are not met. The College is under obligation to the State Education Department to certify as graduated only those students who have successfully completed all requirements for the degree for which the student was matriculated.
- Diplomas are not distributed at Commencement. See "Diploma and Transcript" section for more information. Graduates may contact the Center for Student Services or the Office of the Registrar to request a “Certification of Graduation” letter If proof of graduation is needed prior to receiving the diploma.
- Graduates are encouraged to log onto MMC Connect to check for student restrictions under "Financial Information" or "Academic Profile". Diplomas will not be released if student's financial/library account is in arrears, exit counseling not completed, or student has hold from the Office of Academic Affairs. A record of academic history can be made available on non-letterhead paper only.
- No grade changes may be made to the academic transcript or record, after a degree has been awarded to a student. Requests for review of grades will be denied. Other requests, such as student’s name change or address, will be reviewed upon request.