2018-2019 Catalog

The Language Path

In our globalized world, the ability to communicate in more than one language is a crucial and in-demand skill. As a result, MMC currently offers language sequences in Arabic, French, and Mandarin, and offers our students an alternative path in the General Education curriculum that encourages advanced study, as follows:

Taking the first lower-level course in a language sequence at MMC fulfills the Studies in Literature and Language Requirement (DS2), as described above. The course may be 101, or a more advanced course, depending on placement.

Taking a second lower-level course in a language sequence at MMC (102, or a more advanced course, depending on placement) allows the student with a single major to “double-dip” a required course in the major with the relevant Disciplinary Studies requirement in the Gen. Ed. curriculum. Note: Normally “double-dipping” in the Gen. Ed. is not permitted for students with only one major and no minors; for more information, see Limitations and Exclusions.

The third lower-level course in a language sequence at MMC (a 200-level language course) fulfills either the Cultural Perspectives or the International Perspectives AIP requirement in the Gen. Ed. curriculum.

The fourth lower-level course in a language sequence at MMC (a 200-level language course) fulfills whichever AIP requirement remains, either Cultural Perspectives or International Perspectives.

MMC language courses at the 300- and 400-level also satisfy either Cultural Perspectives or International Perspectives requirements.

Note: Only language courses taken at MMC generate the double-dipping exception. Only 200-level language courses taken at MMC can fulfill AIP requirements as indicated above (i.e., not 200-level language courses transferred from another institution).