2018-2019 Catalog

Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs

Carson Hall 807



The Division of Student Affairs is responsible for the overall administration of MMC’s student life program and works to provide an environment that complements the college’s academic mission.

The Division of Student Affairs provides comprehensive services and diverse opportunities that enhance the learning environment and support the needs of our dynamic student body. We strive to promote personal growth and wellness, encourage leadership development and social responsibility, and support success during and after college. Our objective is to help students appreciate diversity, become active community members, and reach their academic and personal goals.

The Division of Student Affairs comprises the offices of Academic Access, Campus Ministry, Career Services, Counseling & Wellness Center (CWC), Disability Services, Dow Zanghi Student Health Center, Residence Life, and Student Development & Activities. Student Affairs supports all recognized student clubs and organizations and coordinates many special events, including Orientation, Convocation, Homecoming, and Commencement.

In addition, we manage the Student Code of Conduct and Health Records & Information.

Academic Access Program

Carson Hall 500


The Program for Academic Access supports students with learning disabilities. The Program is designed to provide a structure that fosters individual growth and academic success. We welcome applicants whose school records and documents evidence the skills, intellectual potential, and commitment necessary to addressing their learning difficulties. With accommodations and multifaceted support, these students will be able to handle the same curriculum as other qualified applicants to Marymount. The Program fee, a cost above tuition, includes tutoring services, learning specialists, counseling/advisement, and priority registration. Interested students should contact the Academic Access Office.

Campus Ministry

Carson Hall 412


MMC’s Campus Ministry provides interfaith programming that serves and supports the students, faculty and staff of the College. Campus Ministry assists in the development of the spiritual and religious life by providing individual spiritual direction/counseling and opportunities for expression of all faith traditions that promote peace and interreligious understanding.

Career Services

Carson Hall 106



Marymount Manhattan’s Office of Career Services assists students and recent alumni in professional development by providing a wide-ranging series of career programming, individual career counseling and access to job and internship listings. Resume and cover letter review, interviewing techniques, networking in person and online, job search strategies, and transferable skills are just a sample of the topics offered by the Career Services staff. These programs are intended to enhance career development and marketability for both students and recent alumni. Emphasis is placed on relating studies, interests and goals while developing a solid career strategy.

At MMC “college” and “career” go hand in hand and our new, college-wide initiative, CityEdge. CityEdge is a shared set of concentrated experiences for all MMC students that provide expanded opportunities for career exploration and professional development while deepening their immersion in NYC. Components of CityEdge include, The New York City Seminars, CareerLab, Signature CityEdge Courses, and Field Experiences.

Career Services offers job listings that are available online through the MMC Career Connection, accessed through Marymount Manhattan’s Career Services webpage. The Office develops and maintains relationships with companies locally and nationwide. Offerings are tailored specifically for Marymount students. Career fairs, site visits with employers, networking and professional development events, and on campus recruitment are ways that the Office connects students with employers. Career development professionals provide individual and group career counseling, career assessment, and graduate and professional school application advisement.


Marymount Manhattan’s Academic Credit Internship Program is administered through the Office of Career Services. Many students participate in this program and take advantage of the numerous professional opportunities available in New York City. The College has close ties with cultural institutions, businesses, government, and media/entertainment organizations in the city. The internship experience connects the student with the professional world in a unique way and builds networks that will be useful in the job search. Internships are an excellent career counseling tool because they help students make informed career decisions as they progress through their college years.

Marymount Manhattan students are eligible to take internships for academic credit if they have completed 30 credits and have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Transfer students are eligible after completing 15 credits with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Academic requirements for an internship vary by department and advisor. Students should consult with faculty and then meet with the Internship Coordinator in the Office of Career Services in order to register for the internship. Internships may be obtained through a career counselor, faculty or by the students themselves. Marymount Manhattan students can also take advantage of internships that are not for credit. Career Services will assist students with obtaining an internship using the Office’s resources which may include resume drafting and review, cover letter writing, and interview skills.

Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC)

Carson Hall 807



CWC helps students handle personal and psychological problems. These problems include, but are not limited to, stress, homesickness, loneliness, anxiety, depression, family conflicts, identity, eating and body image, self-esteem, sexual misconduct concerns, and alcohol or drugs.

CWC offers short-term individual counseling, psychiatric services (to evaluate students for prescription medications), health and wellness workshops and programs, and referrals to care in the community.

Walk-in hours (no appointment necessary) are Monday through Friday 3-4 pm. CWC is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm; please consult the website for evening hours as these may change based on time of year. All services are free of charge and, except in life-threatening emergencies, confidential. The staff includes clinical psychologists, a clinical social worker, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and advanced doctoral psychology trainees. Staff are specialists in college mental health and committed to working with all students from our diverse and inclusive community.

Disability Services

Carson Hall 500


disability services@mmm.edu

Marymount Manhattan College provides accommodations for students with documented learning, physical, and/or psychological disabilities. In order to receive academic accommodations due to your qualifying disability, you must register with the Office of Disability Services. To obtain special housing accommodations, you must register with Disability Services no later than our published move-in dates.

To register, come to our office in Carson Hall 500. We will help you with the registration process. Your accommodations will be provided when all supporting documentation has been submitted and reviewed.

Some examples of accommodations, depending on the disability, include:

  • Student note-takers for applicable courses
  • Permission to tape-record lectures
  • Extended time on exams, separate testing space, use of computer for exams
  • Wheelchair access
  • Use of Kurzweil reading station in MMC Library
  • Use of laptop computer to take class notes
  • Assistive Technology
  • Assistance Animals
  • Housing Accommodations

Dow Zanghi Student Health Center

231 E 55th Street Residence Hall, first floor



The Dow Zanghi Student Health Center is committed to providing quality health care to all students. The health center provides free primary care, including treatment for colds, flu and minor injuries, physicals, STI/HIV testing and women’s health care services. Some tests and vaccinations are subject to fees, which the student can submit to his or her health insurance provider for reimbursement. The services are provided by the Mt. Sinai Beth Israel, Student Health Services Network.

Hours during academic semesters

Monday, Thursday, and Friday: 9 am to 5 pm

Tuesday and Wednesday: 11 am to 7 pm

Please consult the website for winter break and summer hours.


Call the Dow Zanghi Student Health Center at 212-759-5870 to schedule an appointment, or just walk in.

After Hours:

For urgent matters after the Health Center is closed, students have access to a 24/7 on-call Beth Israel/ Mt Sinai triage doctor, by calling 212-420-2882.

Dow Zanghi Student Health Center provides services for all MMC students, both residential and commuter, and is located at the 55th Street Residence Hall, first floor (212-759-5870), healthcenter@mmm.edu.

Marymount Community Engagement

Carson Hall 807



MMC has a rich history of engaging students in service to the community. Marymount Muscle is our community engagement initiative that provides opportunities for MMC students to volunteer at various community based organizations located throughout NYC. The primary objective of Marymount Muscle is to provide meaningful community engagement opportunities for all members of the MMC community. Marymount Muscle Community Engagement, an initiative of Student Development and Activities, supports the mission of the College through co-curricular activities, volunteer opportunities, and alternative break trips. We provide students with learning experiences through engagement with others in the neighborhoods surrounding the College and across NYC.

Residence Life

Carson Hall 807



The Residence Life Program at MMC is committed to the overall growth, development, and education of its residents. Our primary goal is to provide a safe, secure and comfortable educational environment while providing residents the opportunities to become involved, exercise their leadership skills and be a part of a residential community. We seek to promote individual growth: Challenging values and attitudes, developing qualities of respect for others, intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, cultural awareness, self-discipline, independent judgment and personal responsibility.

We currently house more than 750 full-time students in residence halls located within a 30-minute commute to the College. Students who wish to live in a College residence hall must submit a housing application and a $500 non-refundable deposit to secure housing for the coming academic year. Marymount Manhattan College expects all students who are granted housing to honor the Resident’s Guide to Community Living and the Housing Contract. Residents are required to remain in the residence hall for the full academic year. Only those who withdraw from the College may be released from their housing contract. Due to limited space, applicants should submit their housing application and deposit by established deadlines.

Student Development and Activities

Carson Hall 807



The Office of Student Development and Activities (SDA) is an integral part of student life at MMC. As part of the Division of Student Affairs, the Office of Student Development and Activities provides students with opportunities for meaningful learning experiences outside of the classroom through social, cultural, recreational, and leadership engagement. These experiences are grounded in the following four areas: Leadership Development, Community Engagement, Student Engagement, and Diversity and Inclusivity. Our office is the center of information on student programs, activities, and involvement opportunities. Meaningful involvement on campus aids in creating a more holistic experience for students, fostering leadership skills and development that students will use throughout their academic and professional careers.

Code of Conduct

MMC has a student Code of Conduct requiring students conduct themselves in a responsible and mature manner on campus. The Code describes the process for disciplinary procedures and enacting sanctions. The Student Code of Conduct is detailed in the “Griffin Guide” the Marymount Manhattan College Student Handbook. Students are responsible for reviewing the student handbook which can be found on our website.

Dining Dollars

For information see Dining Dollars Program for Students.

Health Records and Information

Immunization Requirement

New York State Law §2165 requires college students enrolled in six or more credits per semester and who were born on or after January 1, 1957 to demonstrate proof of immunity against measles, mumps and rubella. Those students born before 1957 do not need to submit proof of immunity, but must submit proof of age. All students enrolled in at least six credits per semester are also required to document a decision about the meningococcal meningitis vaccine. The vaccine is optional; the documented decision is required. Students should upload proof of immunity (the MMC form or valid medical records) to their Slate accounts prior to the start of classes. Failure to comply with immunization requirements will result in an administrative withdrawal from all classes.

Health Insurance

All full-time MMC students (12 or more credits) are enrolled in and charged for the College’s Student Health Insurance Plan. Students who have equal or better coverage have the option to complete an online waiver before the September 15 deadline to be removed from the College plan. All international students are required to participate in the College’s Health Plan. For details of the plan and a link to the online waiver site, please visit the Counseling and Wellness Center page on the MMC website.