2018-2019 Catalog

Directions to the College

Marymount Manhattan College is located on E. 71st Street between Second and Third Avenues.

Follow the directions below to find us:

From Long Island

By car: Take Northern State Parkway (Grand Central Parkway) to Triboro Bridge. Exit from bridge to FDR Drive South. Exit FDR Drive at E. 71st Street.

By train: Take LIRR to Penn Station. Take the E train uptown to 51st/Lexington Avenue. Transfer to the #6 train Uptown. The station is 68th Street/Lexington Avenue.

From Upstate New York (depending on origin)

By car: Take the New York State Thruway (Rt. 87) South to Robert F. Kennedy Bridge (Triborough Bridge). Exit from bridge to FDR Drive South. Exit FDR Drive at E. 71st Street.

Alternate route: Take Rt. 684 South to Hutchinson River Parkway to Rt. 278 West. Follow signs to Triboro Bridge. Exit from bridge to FDR Drive South. Exit FDR Drive at E. 71st Street.

By train: Take the Metro North to Grand Central Station. Transfer to the #6 Uptown train. The stationis 68th Street/Lexington Avenue.

From New England

By car: Take Rt. 95 South to Rt. 278 West to Triboro Bridge. Exit from bridge to FDR Drive South. Exit FDR Drive at E. 71st Street.

From points west and south of New York City

By car: Take the George Washington Bridge to Harlem River Drive South, which becomes FDR Drive. Exit FDR Drive at E. 71st Street