2018-2019 Catalog

Degree Credit for Previous Work

Transfer Credit

Marymount Manhattan College (MMC) accepts credit in transfer for coursework completed at colleges and universities accredited by the regional agencies of the United States Commission on Higher Education (USCHE).

MMC reviews transfer credits for work completed at institutions not accredited by the regional agencies of the USCHE on a case-by-case basis with the following restrictions:

  1. Students are required to supply course syllabi for each course under consideration.
  2. Typically, transfer credit is only granted for an equivalent MMC course (e.g., PSYCH 101 or COMM 131).
  3. A maximum of 18 credits can be awarded.
  4. For College policy on Conservatory or Military credits, please see below.

Transfer credits are assessed according to the following guidelines:

  1. The maximum number of transferrable credits MMC will award is 90*. The College cannot guarantee that all degree requirements can be met within the remaining 30 credits.
  2. The minimum transferable grade in all cases is a C- or higher.
  3. For students transferring from accredited two-year institutions a maximum of 70 credits may be awarded, if credits are applicable to the student’s program and MMC’s curriculum. This includes liberal arts courses taken in A.A., A.S., A.A.S., and A.O.S. degree programs.
  4. Only coursework completed at a baccalaureate-granting institution can be considered towards 300/400-level MMC equivalents. The only exceptions to this policy are advanced technical and specialized courses offered at two-year colleges in fields such as mathematics, theatre, and video production.
  5. The College does not typically award credit for courses in which the student earned a grade of P (Pass).
  6. The College does not typically award credit for remedial courses.
  7. Placement in technique courses in Dance and Theatre Arts will be determined by the faculty on the basis of a student’s ability as demonstrated during a post-admission evaluation.

*Transfer students should keep in mind that to be eligible for graduation honors (e.g. Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Gold Keys, etc), students must complete a total of 60 institutional credits at MMC.

Transfer credits are assessed according to the following process:

Upon receipt of an official external transcript, the Office of Academic Advisement will conduct a review of the student’s academic program to determine the maximum number of credits that may be awarded, and to evaluate how such credits may be applied to the student’s degree. This evaluation takes into consideration the following:

  1. The number and type of transfer credits awarded by the College will be determined based on the requirements of a student’s officially declared academic program, including all majors or minors. Any subsequent change in a student’s major or minor may affect the number of transfer credits awarded.
  2. Courses that appear to be equivalent to MMC courses are accepted as such; courses that do not appear to be equivalent may be considered for elective credit based on a review of the learning goals and assessments of the course(s).
  3. All credits applicable to the student’s current degree will be counted as attempted and earned credits but will not be included in the student’s MMC GPA.

Military Credit

Students may have completed college-level courses offered by the military for which no college credit was earned. The Office of Academic Advisement evaluates these courses based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education and their applicability to MMC’s curriculum, to determine if credit can be awarded or if the student should make such a request through the Prior Learning Assessment process (see section below).

Conservatory Credit

Students may have completed college-level courses offered at conservatories that are not accredited by any of the regional agencies of the USCHE. The faculty in the division of Fine and Performing Arts evaluate these courses to determine if credit can be awarded or if the student should make such a request through the Prior Learning Assessment process (see section below).

Non-Traditional Credit

Marymount Manhattan College will consider the award of nontraditional credit in the following categories:

  1. Advanced Placement (AP)
  2. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
  3. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  4. NYU Foreign Language Proficiency Tests or tests administered by other pre-approved testing organizations (e.g., the Goethe-Institute)
  5. International Baccalaureate Credit (IBC)
  6. Jerusalem Exams
  7. Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)

Acceptance of such credits is subject to the following conditions:

  • No more than 30 combined non-traditional credits from the categories above are accepted toward degree requirements;
  • Credits earned within the above categories may be applied to requirements at the 100 and 200 levels only;
  • A maximum of 12 non-traditional credits can count towards a foreign language.
  • Credits earned in these categories will not count toward the 30 credit residency requirement or toward the 12 credit minimum residency requirement in the field of concentration or major.

1. Advanced Placement Credit (AP)

Students who have taken Advanced Placement examinations administered by the College Board, and who receive a score of 3, 4, or 5 will be awarded credit toward MMC degrees, either as specific course credits or as open elective credit; however, for certain AP exams, the score must be 4 or 5. (See table on next page for details.) Students must have the official score sheet sent to MMC. Eligibility will be determined and credit awarded to the student upon enrollment in the College. Waiver of requirements in any given subject area will be at the discretion of the Division Chair.

2. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Prior Learning Assessment is a process through which students may earn credit for college-level learning previously acquired through employment, professional experience, or other training and study. Credit is sought for prior learning that corresponds to a particular course(s) offered at MMC. Students prepare a portfolio for assessment by the faculty that provides evidence of achievement of the learning goals for the course(s) for which they seek credit.

To be eligible for the PLA Program, students must be matriculated and in good academic standing, have completed 24 college credits, with at least 12 credits earned at MMC. Students must have completed the requirements of MMC’s General Education Foundation Courses (WRIT 101, WRIT 102, and MATH 113 or equivalent). Also note the following restrictions:

  • MMC will allow a maximum of 30 credits approved through PLA to be applied to the completion of the degree;
  • PLA credits may not be used as part of the 30-credit college residency requirement or the 12-credit residency requirement in the major;
  • Students may not seek PLA credit for courses for which testing options already exist (CLEP, Language Equivalency Exams, etc.; see the Advisement Office for further information);
  • Students may not seek PLA credit for MMC courses already attempted or completed;
  • PLA credits do not receive grades and are not applied to the minimum number of credits required to earn honors at graduation;
  • Students who plan to attend graduate school after completing their MMC degree should check with respective schools since not all colleges recognize prior learning credits.

The process for applying for Prior Learning Assessment is as follows: the student meets with the Dean of Academic Advisement and Student Retention in the Academic Advisement Office for a general assessment of the viability of pursuing credits for prior learning within the context of his/her degree requirements. If deemed viable, the student then meets with his/her Academic Advisor to determine which course(s) could be completed through Prior Learning Assessment. Student and advisor complete the top half of the “Prior Learning Assessment Application Form” and the student submits it to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The student then meets with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to review the application; if approved, s/he determines which division might best evaluate a student’s work. The student subsequently meets with the appropriate division chair, who will determine who among the full-time faculty can evaluate the student’s work, and provides the student with copies of the relevant course syllabi. Once an evaluator has been identified, the sponsoring faculty member and the division chair sign the bottom of the “Prior Learning Assessment Application Form,” then the student returns it to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, who signs and files the form with the Registrar, which triggers the student to be registered for PLA 001, a placeholder that lasts one semester and does not involve billing.

After registering, the student creates a portfolio and submits it to the faculty supervisor, normally within one year of registering for PLA 001. A portfolio evaluation normally takes three to four weeks. After reviewing the portfolio, the faculty supervisor completes the “PLA Credit Submission Form” and indicates whether full, partial or no credit will be awarded. The faculty supervisor returns this form to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs with the portfolio. Upon submission of the form, the student is billed per credit assessed (not on how many credits are awarded). Course credit earned through PLA will appear on the student’s transcript as “Life Experience.” A student may appeal the outcome of a PLA evaluation through the same procedure by which a student would appeal a grade for a course at MMC. (See Grade Appeal Policy.)

Transferability of AP Credit

Art 2D Design 4, 5 ART ELECTIVE 6
Art 3D Design 4, 5 ART ELECTIVE 6
Art History 4, 5 ART ELECTIVE 6
Biology 4, 5 BIOL 220/BIOL 222 8
Calculus AB 3, 4, 5 MATH 210 3
Calculus BC 3, 4, 5 MATH 210/MATH 211 6
Capstone Seminar 3, 4, 5 OPEN ELECTIVE 6
Capstone Research 3, 4, 5 OPEN ELECTIVE 6
Chemistry 4 CHEM 233/CHEM 234 4
Chemistry 5 CHEM 233/CHEM 234; CHEM 235/CHEM 236 8
Chinese Language & Culture 4, 5 LANG ELECTIVE 6
Computer Science A 3, 4, 5 IT ELECTIVE 3
Computer Science AB 3, 4, 5 IT ELECTIVE 6
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, 5 IT ELECTIVE 3
Economics: Macro 4, 5 ECO 210 3
Economics: Micro 4, 5 ECO 213 3
English Language and Composition 4, 5 OPEN ELECTIVE 6
English Literature and Composition 4, 5 EWL 125/EWL ELEC 6
Environmental Science 3, 4, 5 ENV 115 3
European History 3, 4, 5 HIST 216/HIST ELEC 6
French Language & Culture 4, 5 FREN 101/FREN 102 6
French Literature 4, 5 FREN ELECTIVE 6
German Language & Culture 4, 5 LANGUAGE ELECTIVE 6
Government and Politic: Comparative 4, 5 PS ELECTIVE 3
Government and Politics: Unite States 4, 5 PS 106 3
Human Geography 3, 4, 5 IS ELECTIVE 3
Italian Language & Culture 4, 5 LANGUAGE ELECTIVE 6
Japanese Language & Culture 4, 5 LANGUAGE ELECTIVE 6
Music Theory 3, 4, 5 MUS ELECTIVE 6
Physics I 4, 5 PHYS 261 4
Physics II 4, 5 PHYS 262 4
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 3, 4, 5 PHYS ELECTIVE 4
Physics C: Mechanics 3, 4, 5 PHYS ELECTIVE 4
Psychology 3, 4, 5 PSYCH 101 3
Spanish Language 4, 5 SPAN 101/SPAN 102 6
Spanish Literature & Culture 4, 5 SPAN ELECTIVE 6
Statistics 3, 4, 5 MATH 224 3
Studio Art: Drawing 4, 5 ART ELECTIVE 6
U.S. History 3, 4, 5 HIST 101/HIST 103 6
World History 3, 4, 5 HIST 218 3

3. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Marymount Manhattan College may grant college credit to degree students who seek to earn such credit through the successful completion of the College Level Examination Program of the Educational Testing Service (CLEP).

Students who have earned 54 or more college credits may receive College credit for CLEP subject examinations only; students who have earned less than 54 credits are eligible to receive credits for CLEP General Examinations and Subject Examinations, provided the standards established by the College Board have been met. Students currently enrolled in the College are advised to seek the advice of the Dean of Academic Advisement and Student Retention prior to seeking the approval of a Division Chairperson for credit through any type of proficiency examination. The following conditions apply in order for credit to be granted: students must obtain the written approval of the Chairperson of the Division in which credit would be applied before making arrangements to sit for an exam; students may only present results for exams in which they have earned a minimum grade of C. Further information may be obtained by writing to CLEP, Box 12815, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.

4. Foreign Language Credit

Students who are fluent in a foreign language but whose instruction in that language did not take place in a formal classroom setting, may have their skills and fluency in the language evaluated for possible transfer credit by taking either the CLEP exam or the NYU Language Proficiency exam. Official scores earned must be sent to Marymount Manhattan College. Students may earn a maximum of 9 credits from the CLEP language exams, but may earn up to 12 credits from an approved NYU Language Proficiency exam. Students may also earn language credit by taking examinations administered by other pre-approved testing organizations (e.g., the Goethe-Institut). Credit will be awarded in relation to the Common European Framework of References rating as follows: A2=6 language elective credits (first year proficiency); B1=6 language elective credits (second-year proficiency). These credits may not be applied at the 300-Level or above. Questions regarding the acceptance of credits for such examinations taken prior to admission at MMC should be addressed to the Dean of Academic Advisement and Student Retention in the Office of Academic Advisement.

5. International Baccalaureate Credit

Credit for the International Baccalaureate is granted for scores of 4 or higher for the Higher Level Examinations. No credit is granted for the Standard Level Examinations. The student may have the official score sheet sent to MMC. Eligibility will be determined and credit awarded to the student upon enrollment at the College. Waiver of requirements in any given subject area will be at the discretion of the Divisional chair.

6. Jerusalem Exams

Students who have completed the Hebrew University Language and Literature Exam (Jerusalem Examination) with a score of 60 or better will be awarded 6 elective credits – 3 credits of Language electives (LANG ELEC) and 3 credits of English & World Literature electives (EWL ELEC). Three of these elective credits may be used to satisfy the Disciplinary Studies: Studies in Literature and Language category of the General Education requirements. Credits will only be granted upon receipt of the official transcript.

7. Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)

Students who have completed Carribean Advanced Proficiency Examinations with a score of I or II will be awarded credits.

Please refer to the College Web site (www.mmm.edu) for the most up-to-date information about (CAPE).