2018-2019 Catalog

Minor: Business Management, 15 Credits

Learning Goals for the Minor in Business Management

Students in the in Business Management minor will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Business Functions: Students will explain and apply basic concepts in business; including finance, accounting, economics, management and marketing.
  • Critical Thinking Skills: Students will describe the use of fiscal and monetary policies in the context of the business and economic environment.
  • Quantitative and Technological Skills: Students will record financial transactions and prepare financial statements and explain how these are used. They will also demonstrate problem solving skills using the basic demand and supply model.
  • Domestic and Global Environment of Business: Students will articulate the impact of globalization, environmental issues and the role of diversity in today’s business environment.
  • Communication Skills: Students will communicate their basic knowledge of business issues and financial statement analysis using proper business terminology through oral presentations.
  • Ethical Analysis of Business Conduct: Students will demonstrate the use of ethical principals in business and accounting and the role of social responsibility in business decision making.


Required Courses: (15 credits)



Note: A student receiving a grade of D in a required or elective course for the minor, must repeat the course.

Elective Courses:

Take three courses (9 credits) from BUS/ACCT/ECO courses, with at least one course at the 300+ level. Since some courses have pre-requisites, the specific program should be arranged in close collaboration with a Business faculty advisor.