Minor: Economics, 18 Credits

2023-2024 Catalog

The economics curriculum provides students with an introduction to the basic principles of economics and an opportunity to explore their application to contemporary issues. It provides a valuable supplement to the educational experience of students in both the professional and liberal arts majors. Economics is one of the major disciplines contributing to the interdisciplinary major in International Studies and is included in the Business Management core and the Finance, International Business and Economics concentrations. Learning Outcomes for the Minor in Economics:


On completing the economics minor, students will demonstrate that they can:

  • Apply economic concepts and theories to solve problems
  • Critically analyze economic issues 
  • Articulate policies relevant to the economy and financial markets


Required courses: (6 credits)

ECO 210Principles of Macroeconomics


ECO 213Principles of Microeconomics


Economics Electives (4 of the following) (12 credits)

ECO 306/IS 306Development and Global Change


ECO 317/IS 317International Economics


IS 334/ECO 334Gender and Development


BUS 351/ECO 351 International Business


ECO 350/IS 350/PS 350Comparative Economics


ECO 375Money, Banking and Financial Markets


BUS 223Introduction to Investments


BUS 324Entrepreneurial Finance


BUS 357International Finance


Note: Since some courses have pre-requisites, the specific program should be arranged in close collaboration with a business faculty advisor.

Note: A student receiving a grade of D in a required or elective course for the minor, must repeat the course.

Note: A BA Business major with a concentration in economics may not minor in economics.