The Griffin Guide Student Handbook

Pledge to Keep MMC Healthy

In order to protect the health and safety of our MMC community during the COVID-19 pandemic, students are asked to join in the effort and to take the Pledge to Keep MMC Healthy. I agree to:

  • Wash my hands frequently for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when soap and water are not available.
  • Always wear a face covering or mask in shared spaces, especially when in the presence of others.
  • Avoid touching my eyes, nose, and mouth, and cover any coughs and/or sneezes with a tissue or inner elbow..
  • Regularly disinfect my workspace and personal items. Mitigate the spread of germs on doors, railings, and other high contact areas through frequent cleaning.
  • Continuously monitor for symptoms of or exposure to COVID-19
  • Stay home if I feel ill or after having exposure to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Notify the College immediately at if I feel ill or have been exposed to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19, so proper precautions can be taken.
  • Actively participate in testing and contact tracing to preserve the wellness of the community.
  • Behave responsibly when not on College premises by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing, as well as refraining from engaging in COVID-19 risk-associated behavior.
  • Avoid bias discrimination and discriminatory behaviors and treat other students, faculty, and staff with the respect every human being deserves, understanding that the virus does not distinguish on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or physical ability.
  • Recognize that this is a stressful and overwhelming time and do what I can to remain helpful and attentive to those who may need support.
  • Employ patience and understanding, knowing that this is a dynamic situation.

Reports of violations can be submitted directly on this form. Student Life oversees all student disciplinary actions and follow-ups. Due to the critical compliance of students with these policies, a modified judicial process will be used in regards to Community Health and Wellness violations. This is a progressive documentation system that may result in a Code of Conduct hearing. The College may also determine that certain conduct warrants immediate dismissal from campus without first resorting to the first three levels of discipline.

  • First Violation: Compliance warning: Virtual or phone meeting to discuss.
  • Second Violation: Formal compliance meeting, and educational sanction: Student meets with Dean of Students or their designee to discuss compliance; it will be made clear that further violations could mean removal from campus activities. Communication will also be sent home as there may be a change in the student’s status.
  • Third Violation: The student will be referred for a violation of the Code of Conduct, and hearing will be held to determine responsibility and possible sanctions, up to and including restricting student access to College buildings and dismissal from the College.