Auditing a Class

2021-2022 Catalog

Students can choose to attend a course for the experience without earning course credit. They will be considered as auditing the course. When auditing a course, the student must attend all classes, do assigned readings, and participate in class discussions, but s/he is not required to take examinations. An audited course can never be applied toward college credit or a college degree. An audited course may never change to credit status or a credit course to audit status during a semester. Once students audit a course, they may not take that course for credit towards their degree. As a rule, credit students may not audit more than one course in any given semester.

Students can choose to audit a course at the time of registration but may lose their place in class in favor of a degree student who may require that specific course to fulfill their degree requirements. Not all courses are open to audit and permission to audit is at the discretion of the department offering the course. Audit credits are billed at a discounted rate (see the fee assessment charges listed in the Student Account section of the catalogue). Audit tuition charges are not refundable and will appear on the billing statement as a separate charge. They are not included as part of the regular full or part time tuition rates.