Technology at MMC

2021-2022 Catalog

For most updated information about  Information Technology resources at Marymount Manhattan College, visit the College website

Computer Stations, Laptops and Connectivity

While many students bring their own computers to campus, the Library has an additional 80 laptops available to students for loan. The library also provides dedicated comfortable space which accommodates student’s computer based work. The first floor houses 12 computers designated specifically for research. On the second floor of the library there are 22 PC workstations, 6 Macs and one computer loaded with Kurzweil software and a scanner for people with visual disabilities. For support with assistive technology requirements see Disability Services section of the catalog. A limited number of general PC workstations in the Nugent Lounge, the 4th floor of the Nugent building, and in the Commons are also available for student use. Wireless connectivity to the MMC network is available across the campus. Wifi is supported at the main campus (MMC71W) and the 55th Street Dorm (MMC55W) up to the current standard “N” technology.

Technology-Enhanced Classrooms (TECs)

Students are likely to have classes in one of the TECs that include Main building 201, 503, 504, 505, 509, 510, 606, 608, 610, 700, 701, 703 and the Nugent building 249,458 and 462. In addition, all classrooms on the fourth floor of Nugent are equipped with multimedia instructional technology and they provide a wireless environment. All classrooms in the main building are equipped with instructional technology.

Workstation-Equipped Classrooms (WECs)

Students who wish to use computer workstations on campus can do so at the following locations: Main 410 and Main 411 are each equipped with PC workstations; Nugent 554, 556 and 559 are each equipped with Macintosh computers. A schedule is posted on the door to these classrooms indicating “open” hours for student use.

Computer Specifications

For students who wish to bring their own computers to campus, specifications for both Mac and PC formats are available at, students may purchase computers at a discount through the College’s account with Dell. Apple Computers can also be purchased at discount pricing directly from Apple through that link.

Student e-mail Accounts/MMC Connect

At MMC students receive individual e-mail accounts and access to the MMC network including Blackboard and MMC Connect. All students are expected to adhere to the “Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Technology at MMC,” published in the MMC Student Handbook and on the web site atthe following link MMC Connect for Students enables students to review their student profile, academic progress and grades, manage their student account, and register for courses online. A student’s e-mail account allows him/her to enroll in the Blackboard™ course management system used by faculty for web-enhanced and online courses. In addition, the College communicates regularly with students via e-mail. In order to stay informed, students are advised to check their MMC e-mail accounts for important information sent from various offices and faculty members throughout the academic year.


Many faculty members use the course management system Blackboard™ for web-enhanced and online courses. Students are able to access reserve material, post assignments, engage in online discussion and chart their progress in a given course through the Blackboard™ site associated with the particular course.

Online and Blended Courses

MMC offers a limited number of online and ‘blended” courses each semester. Online courses are taught entirely on the internet using the Blackboard™ system to create an online classroom. Blended courses have an online component, as well as traditional classroom sessions. Students should check the MMC Course Bulletin for a given semester to determine which courses are offered in an online or a blended format.