EWL 370 Professional Practices

2021-2022 Catalog

Students in this class will study and learn about many of the different careers available to EWL and CRW majors. Students will visit rare book archives, literary clubs, poetry readings, storytelling competitions, conservation studios, book exhibitions, and art museums, and will practice book making and printing. Students will investigate the relationship between literary history and the history of the book, examine new technologies of story telling (blogs, podcasts, ebooks, etc.), ask where new technologies might be taking literature in the future, and to explore where literature lives today. Students will integrate academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences, utilizing NY City and its vast array of opportunities to chart individualized pathways to identify and fulfill career goals. The course will include guest lectures from professionals in various professions (copywriters, editors, journalists, etc.) who are grounded in Literature and Writing degrees. May be taken twice for a total of 6 credits, but the topic may not be repeated.




WRIT 102 or WRIT 201 and EWL 207