2018-2019 Catalog


Current MMC students may order transcripts by accessing the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) via a link on the student portal. From MMC’s main webpage, students can click on “MyMMC” to access the Student Portal. To order a transcript, students are instructed to do the following:

  1. Enter email address and password;
  2. Under “Frequent Links” click on the NSC National Student Clearinghouse Self-Service Site;
  3. Students will be re-directed to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) site - enter MMC Student ID Number;
  4. Select Transcript Order service option.

Former MMC students may order their transcript, by going directly to the National Student Clearinghouse Website, www.studentclearinghouse.org Students who attended MMC before 2005 or Finch College will need to order their transcripts manually via paper method. Since their records have been archived, additional time may be required for record retrieval. Transcript request forms with instructions can be downloaded from the MMC Web site, http://www.mmm.edu/offices/center-for-student-services/forms-and-publications.php. The CSS reserves the right to refuse transcript requests either because the form is incomplete or inaccurate and/or the student’s record contains a financial hold. We cannot be held responsible for incorrect addresses or postal delays. Upon completion of the requirements for her/his degree, each student is mailed an unofficial copy of their final College transcript.

Official academic transcripts will be withheld for failure to pay tuition, for default on an educational debt or failure to repay an educational overpayment. Students who request a transcript will be offered a record of academic history printed on non-letterhead paper.

If the student files for bankruptcy and includes the college debt in the bankruptcy petition, the college will provide official transcripts during the pendency of the bankruptcy proceedings or, if the debt to the college is discharged. Documentation must be submitted to the Registrar in the Center for Student Services.