2018-2019 Catalog

II. Scope

This policy prohibits a broad range of behaviors that can create a hostile working, living or learning environment, including sexual assault and sexual harassment, collectively referred to as “sexual misconduct.”

This policy applies to sexual misconduct whenever that sexual misconduct occurs:

  1. On campus; and
  2. Off campus, if:
    • In connection with a College program or activity; or
    • The underlying behavior is reasonably believed to pose a threat of harm to an individual or the campus community in general; or,
    • The underlying behavior may have the effect of creating a hostile environment for any member of the campus community.

This policy applies to and protects all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. This policy also prohibits retaliation in connection with any reports of possible violations of this policy, regardless of where the retaliation occurs.

For students, this policy does not cover other violations of the College’s Code of Conduct. Such matters are handled by a separate process as set forth in the MMC Student Handbook: http://www.mmm.edu/live/files/407-studenthandbookpdf.

For faculty, this policy solely governs sexual misconduct involving faculty and, as authorized by the Faculty Governance (Article 4, section 8, sub-section 2), supersedes the Faculty Governance. The Faculty Governance otherwise remains in full force and effect.