2024-2025 Catalog

Minor: Creative Writing, 18 Credits

The Creative Writing Minor presents students with the opportunity to pursue the study and practice of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction in a comprehensive fashion; to expand their awareness of the critical traditions that shape literary history; to utilize their capacity to analyze and examine their own writing in a self-reflective manner while learning the importance of redrafting and revision; and to work with and in relation to others, through the workshop model, to present ideas and collectively negotiate solutions. Invigorating the imagination and developing the creative process are key.

Learning Goals for the Minor in Creative Writing

Students completing the Creative Writing minor will:

  • Practice the fundamentals of writing poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction;
  • Produce creative work that develops these foundational skills through advanced-level study of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction;
  • Use these skills in the analysis and revision of their own work;
  • Apply these skills in working with other students through the workshop model.


Required Courses (12 credits)

CRW 201Introduction to Creative Writing I 


CRW 205Introduction to Creative Writing II


CRW 346Intermediate Creative Writing


CRW 391Special Topics in Creative Writing


Two of the following: (6 credits)

CRW 441Workshop in Writing Poetry


CRW 442Workshop in Writing Fiction


CRW 443Workshop in Writing Creative Nonfiction


The Creative Writing Minor is open to all students and all majors.