The Griffin Guide Student Handbook

Community Standards

MMC_Griffin Guide Image_17_Community

Violations of Community Standards are considered violations of the Student Code of Conduct.


  • Individuals under 21 years of age may not possess, consume or purchase alcoholic beverages.
  • Individuals over 21 years of age may not furnish alcoholic beverages to those under 21 years of age.
  • The College prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of alcohol while on College property, in residence halls, or while participating in College-sponsored activities or conducting College business off-premises.
  • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at all student events sponsored by students.

The College provides educational and counseling programs, as well as referral sources, in order to assist members of the community in dealing with alcohol problems and any related inappropriate or unsafe behavior.

Computer Use

Technology plays an important role in the education of students. The College has developed recommended uses and policies related to use of College property, which includes using the College’s internet, email system, connecting to the web through a college’s internet, or any type of remote access activities sponsored by or through MMC. All users should be respectful of the protection provided by copyright and refrain from transferring copyrighted or licensed software to others and making illegal copies.

Use of the College’s computer resources should be primarily for learning and research purposes. Users are responsible for ensuring that the computer resources are used in an effective and lawful manner and in support of the College mission. Use of the College’s technology resources is a privilege, not a right. The College’s technology resources should not be used for personal gain, personal business, or profit-making activities. Users must not disrupt College operations, the College computer network, or the network of other users.

Material that is fraudulent, harassing, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or inappropriate is prohibited, and must not be sent by email or other forms of electronic communication (such as bulletin board systems, newsgroups, chat groups), displayed on, stored in, transmitted or processed by the College’s computer resources. Users encountering or receiving this kind of material should immediately report the incident to their supervisors, or in the case of students to a faculty member or the Office of Student Life.

College campuses like MMC take pride in providing an environment for free speech. The College expects at a minimum that users will respect the privacy of other users and employ appropriate standards of civility when using electronic systems to communicate with other individuals. The College is also responsible for protecting the rights of others in the community by maintaining an atmosphere in which insulting, obscene, or harassing speech is prohibited. All responsibility for statements made in public computer-mediated communication rests with the individual posting the statements. Statements do not represent the opinions of the supervisor or employer of that person or anyone involved with the networks that comprise the MMC network. MMC provides to its faculty, staff, and students the capacity to engage in various kinds of communication that are mediated by computers. This includes the use of bulletin boards, computer lists, email, and the computer servers that provide the basis for such communication. MMC does not undertake any responsibility to review the contents of messages sent and received but, if an abuse or a violation of law or College policy is identified, MMC may take steps to intercept or remove the message, may remove access by the user, and may charge the student to be in violation of College policy.

For the protection of all constituents of MMC, students are not permitted to participate in the following activities as they apply to downloads and messages and communications sent on the MMC network:

  • Using foul or obscene language, posting obnoxious or inappropriate announcements, or making defamatory statements.
  • Sending “chain letter,” “spam” or “broadcast” messages to lists or individuals, and other types of use which would cause network congestion or otherwise interfere with the work of others.
  • Performing repeated, unsolicited and unwanted communication of an intrusive nature. For example, continuing to send email messages to an individual after being asked to stop.
  • Cyber harassment including but not limited to the following misuses of technology: embarrassing, harassing, intimidating, threatening, terrorizing and/or targeting another member of the College community by way of any technological tool, such as sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory email messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings.


To protect the rights of the community and the rights of individuals from any infringement, the College prohibits disruptive or non-peaceful actions or participation in a disruptive or non-peaceful demonstration on the grounds of the College. Non-peaceful actions are those actions that endanger or injure, or threaten to endanger or injure any person or property. Disruptive actions are those in which there is a deliberate disruption of regular activities of the College or the community, including those that restrict free movement on campus.

If people in a given area are told by a member of the College staff that their collective actions are judged as being non-peaceful or disruptive at that time, individuals remaining or subsequently joining those in the area may be charged with a violation of this policy.

Individuals alleged to be acting in a non-peaceful or disruptive manner, whether they are acting individually or within a group, may be charged with a violation of this policy on the basis of the individual’s behavior or of the collective behavior.

In an emergency situation, the President or a representative of the President is empowered by the Board of Trustees to take appropriate action including suspension from the College. Any such action taken would be temporary, pending disposition of the matter by the regular disciplinary processes.


All guests to the College must register at the security desk, indicate their destination, and receive a visitor pass. All guests will be announced. If a faculty, staff, or student is hosting a visitor for the day, they are accountable for the behavior of their guest. Persons who are disruptive, abusive, destructive, or potentially dangerous will be asked to leave the College immediately. Failure to leave upon request will result in appropriate legal and disciplinary action.

Identification Requirement

All MMC students are required to create their Mobile OneCard by creating an account on OneWeb and then downloading the “TouchNet OneCard” app on their smartphone. If you do not own a smartphone, you can obtain your MMC ID Card from Campus Safety.

Your ID is required for entrance to campus events and facilities, and must be produced as a means of identification when requested by a College security officer or administrator. Dining Services utilizes a Dining Dollars declining balance system that is connected to your ID. IDs are valid only for registered students and are non-transferrable. Using another student’s ID or ID number is prohibited. Students are permitted to maintain only one current ID. Duplicating or tampering with information on the ID is not permitted.

Illegal Drugs

Marymount Manhattan College is committed to the education of its students about the dangers of drug abuse. We believe that the best way to achieve and maintain this objective is through preventive education about the dangers of drug abuse, compassionate attention to the needs of those who may require help with drug-related problems, and strict adherence and enforcement of the College alcohol and illegal drug policy. To that end, the College provides on-campus support programs, as well as information about related services that are available in the local community. For any members of the College community who may develop a drug-related problem, suspect they are at risk, or seek information about illegal or controlled drugs, information is available in the Counseling and Wellness Center and Dow Zanghi Student Health Center. Free and confidential services related to the prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug-related problems is available to students through the Counseling and Wellness Center.

In addition to policies and practices that emphasize concern for the welfare of individuals, the College also recognizes the importance of maintaining the community as a whole. The College therefore adheres to the following guidelines concerning the unlawful possession, use, and distribution of illegal drugs (other than alcohol):

  • The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, illegal or unauthorized prescription drugs, or drug paraphernalia will not be tolerated on College premises.
  • The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, illegal or unauthorized prescription drugs, or drug paraphernalia on College premises by any student may result in suspension or expulsion.
  • Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are not prohibited when taken in standard dosage and/or according to a physician’s prescription.

Using the Code of Conduct, the College may take disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion, against any student found to be unlawfully using, possessing, or distributing drugs on the premises.

Students should be aware that, in addition to College sanctions, they may be subject to federal and state laws that specify fines or imprisonment for conviction of drug-related offenses. Where appropriate or necessary, the College will fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies.


Out of consideration for the right of free expression, for the rights of viewers, and of civility, tolerance and respect, the following guidelines are to be followed when posting flyers and notices:

  • All postings must be approved, stamped and dated by the Office of Student Life, Nugent Hall 251.
  • Postings may not exceed 11” x 17.”
  • Postings are allowed only on designated bulletin boards. Student posting is not permitted on departmental bulletin boards, doors, glass, walls or other finished surfaces.
  • Postings must be put up using push pins or tacks; no staples, tape, or duct tape. Tacks are available on each board.
  • All postings must include the name of the sponsoring department or student organization (if applicable), contact information, location, and date and time of the event. The college name and logo should be included.
  • Postings may be up for a maximum of two weeks. Exceptions to this policy include apartment listings, departmental programs that run the entire semester, etc.
  • Bulletin board space is available on a first come, first served basis. All users are expected to respect the materials posted by other individuals and organizations. Only one posting may be posted on each board. Postings may not cover or block previously posted materials.
  • College personnel clear bulletin boards regularly. The sponsor should remove materials that are time sensitive promptly after the event or deadline. Please DO NOT remove any postings that are not your own.
  • Postings that are not in compliance with the above policy are subject to immediate removal.
  • At the 55th Residence Hall, students may post on the bulletin boards in the lounges and in the gym without approval. No solicitations.
  • Approval for posting in the Cooper Square Residence Hall must be granted by the Office of Residence Life. Contact Residence Life at or 212-774-0740.

Questions or concerns about the general posting policy should be directed to the Student Life Office.


Signs are posted at the top of each bulletin board to indicate its purpose. All other notices will be removed.

  • COMMUNITY ADVERTISEMENT BOARD (NON-MMC EVENTS) – Open to notices of a commercial nature by local businesses and off-campus groups and organizations, such as restaurants, fitness centers, hairstyling, printing, resumes, activities, and events. Students may use these boards to post items for sale such as books, furniture, and cars. Located outside of the Starbucks, 1st floor, Nugent.
  • COMMUNITY BOARD – Open to all notices. Located outside of the Starbucks, 1st floor, Nugent.
  • OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING BOARD – Open to notices of housing and searches for roommates. Located outside of the Located outside of the Starbucks, 1st floor, Nugent
  • STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS BOARD – Open to notices regarding meetings, activities and events sponsored by Registered Student Organizations. Located in the Nugent Lounge.

Residence Halls

All students who reside in the College residence hall are expected to abide by all rules, policies and regulations established in the Resident’s Guide to Community Living.

Respect for the Community

MMC strives to create a safe and courteous college community. As members of a large community, it is important for everyone to feel valued and respected, and collectively honor these tenets:

  • Respect for others: Know that civility, understanding, and mutual respect are not only expected, but are critical to the success of the MMC community.
  • Litter/Damage: Be sure to clean up after yourself or your group. There are trash and recycling receptacles around campus for your use. If you accidentally damage college property, please let a staff member know so it can be quickly repaired.
  • Elevators: With frequent usage of the elevators at MMC, it is expected for everyone to share this common amenity:
    1. Honor the maximum elevator capacity
    2. Remove your backpack so others can easily fit on
    3. Try to practice first come, first served to step on the elevator
    4. If someone on crutches or in a wheelchair is waiting for the elevator, kindly step off so they do not have to wait for the next one.


Marymount Manhattan College is a smoke free environment. Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside any academic or residential buildings, nor on any terrace, and is discouraged at the entrance to the college buildings.


No individual or company may solicit or sell on campus for personal gain. Use of campus property to solicit donations, make sales or recruit is restricted to the College, college recognized organizations, departments, and college sponsored programs and activities. Prior approval must be obtained from the office under whose jurisdiction the organization or the department operates. For example, a faculty member working through a department would seek approval from the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, and a student working through a Registered Student Organization would seek approval from the Director of Student Development and Activities. This rule is intended to prevent exploitation of students and to promote campus tranquility. Credit card companies and banks are specifically prohibited from soliciting or selling on campus. Soliciting door-to-door in student housing or operating a business on College property is prohibited.