PHR 362 The Invention of Whiteness

2023-2024 Catalog

In this course, we explore how whiteness as such came to be, its socially constructed character, and what whiteness, visible and decentered, can become.  While the need to humanize the racial “other” remains an important part of knowledge production, the need to do a critical assessment of whiteness becomes ever more urgent.  This critical exploration of the history of whiteness seeks to make whiteness visible as whiteness.  Only by becoming visible can whiteness begin to shed its normative character and the burdens of its history.  This process will also facilitate the participation of the many white allies working together in a racial project that seeks to ever expand what it means to be human, forging a new racial landscape where cooperation, not animosity, is the guiding principle.



Cross Listed Courses

Same as AIP 362


WRIT 101