The Griffin Guide Student Handbook

Sustainability at MMC

Marymount Manhattan College has a long tradition of increasing environmental awareness and engaging in environmentally sustainable practices. Some of the College’s efforts and initiatives include:

  • Strategic Plan: A Strategic Plan Implementation Network (SPIN) Team was created to propel sustainability initiatives.
  • Public Recognition: In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency recognized MMC’s voluntary participation in the green power market through a Green Power Partnership.
  • Education: Various additions to the curriculum have been made such as study travel courses focused on eco-tourism, the annual Barry Commoner Lecture on the Environment, and a reimagined major and minor in Environmental Studies.
  • Student Engagement: Numerous initiatives on-campus support sustainability goals, including MMC’s Free Water Campaign, the Take the Stairs Campaign, and the Student Government Association’s Paperless Challenge.
  • Waste Management: MMC participates in offsite sorting and recycling. Beginning in January 2020, the College qualified to participate in New York City’s street trash pickup program, and has begun an on-campus sorting pilot in areas including the Nugent Lounge, the Commons, Terrace, Kitchen, and the Business Office.
  • Building and Grounds: MMC was a charter member of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, is enrolled in Bright Power’s Mobius program, and has completed several elevator modernization programs.

More programs, initiatives, and information can be found on MMC’s Sustainability at MMC webpage.