The Grading System

2022-2023 Catalog

Once submitted by instructors and processed by the Center for Student Services, grades are considered permanent and may not be changed unless serious extenuating circumstances apply. Final grades for courses and independent work may be academic or administrative grades.

MMC calculates quality points and GPA to three decimal places. The quality points represented in the table below have been rounded to two decimal places:

A Excellent 4.00 points
A- 3.67 points
B+ 3.33 points
B Good 3.00 points
B- 2.67 points
C+ 2.33 points
C Average 2.00 points
C- 1.67 points
D Poor 1.00 points
F Failure 0.00 points
INC Incomplete course (not tabulated in GPA)

INC grades are automatically converted to grades of F, if not removed in the prescribed time. See the section on incomplete grades.

The following are administrative grades and are only issued by the Registrar under the circumstances described:

W Withdrawal within prescribed time (not tabulated in GPA)
WF Withdrawal/Failure after prescribed time 0.00 pts-Tabulated as F)
UW Unofficial Withdrawal (0.00 pts-Tabulated as F)
P Pass (not tabulated in GPA)
M for Maintenance of matriculation (Not tabulated in GPA)
N No credit (not tabulated in GPA) Limited to certain developmental courses
NA Not tabulated in GPA (for GRAD 000 listing)
Y Course in progress (not tabulated in GPA)
AUD Audit No Credit
Z No grade submitted by instructor
T Transfer Credit
V Non-Course Work
S Satisfactory
NS Not Satisfactory

The following grades indicate grade waivers (see policy described below)

C-# C Grade Waiver (Not computed in GPA)
D# D Grade Waiver (Not computed in GPA)
F# F Grade Waiver (Not computed in GPA)