Students may petition for a grade waiver for courses taken at MMC in which they were assigned grades of D, F, or WF, subject to the following conditions:
- Grade waivers will not be approved for more than 4 courses with a maximum 15 credits;
- A course in which a student receives an unofficial withdrawal (UW grade) is not eligible for a grade waiver;
- Students must repeat the identical course for which the original grade was earned at MMC, unless such course is no longer offered, in which case a suitable substitute may be approved by the divisional chair;
- Under no circumstances will a student be permitted to petition for a grade waiver for a course in which a prior grade waiver was granted;
- Credits earned for Internships, Independent Study, Special Topics, Prior Learning Assessment, under the Pass/Fail grade option, Study Abroad, Consortial Agreements (Hunter College/Pace University) and/or other non-traditional means may not be considered for grade waivers;
- All grade waiver petitions must be submitted to the Dean of Academic Advisement and Student Retention by the last day of the semester in which the repeated courses is taken;
- Grade waiver petitions are reviewed and approved by the Dean and the Registrar.
- Grade waivers will not be granted when a student’s F grade is due to a violation of the College’s Academic Honesty Policy.
If approved, the following conditions apply to the waiver of a grade:
- Upon completion of the repeated course, the student will be awarded the new grade, regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the original grade*; only the new grade will be applied in the calculation of the term and cumulative GPAs. *Note: Students who subsequently withdraw or receive an unofficial withdrawal, will not be eligible for the grade waiver.
- The old grade will not be used to calculate the GPA but will remain on the student’s transcript record and designated to indicate that a grade waiver was granted.
- Although the new grade will replace an existing F or D grade, incases of the D or grade, no additional credit will be granted for the course.
Students should not assume that submission of the grade waiver request is an automatic approval of a grade waiver. Students should contact the Office of Academic Advisement to check on the status of their grade waiver request. If the grade waiver request is approved, students will be able to view the grade waiver code (D#, F#) on MMCConnect under Academic Profile/“Academic History”.