BUS 340 Global Fashion Business and Supply Chain: COUNTRY

2021-2022 Catalog

This course examines the fashion industry in a global context. Specifically, the course explores macroenvironmental factors affecting the industry and key aspects related to supply chain (sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution). A historical overview of Western fashion along with current trends and practices is provided. Class discussion and on-site visits allow for an examination of similarities and differences across the major fashion capitals of the world relative to policies and regulations, work environment, artistic elements, consumer behavior, and the retail environment. The course engages students in critically analyzing the impact of globalization across cultures and its effect on fashion industry dynamics. May be taken three times for a total of 9 credits, but the topic may not be repeated. Additional lab fee applies. AIP: CP, IP

This course may require a study trip over spring break.




WRIT 102 or WRIT 201; and any one of the following courses: BUS 210, BUS 225, BUS 207, or BUS 232