ART 380 Modern Art I: The Nineteenth Century from Neoclassicism to Post-Impressionism

2021-2022 Catalog

This is a chronological survey of developments in the art of Europe & America rising out of the Age of Revolution in the late-18th century, and commencing with the establishment of Neo-Classicism as a dominant style. Subsequent periods covered include Romanticism, Realism, Aestheticism, Impressionism, Naturalism, Symbolism, & Post-Impressionism. Some of the major themes that frequently recur in the course and that interrelate with contemporary scholarship on the period are concepts of empire, colonialism, women’s art production, feminism, primitivism, socialism, Marxist approaches to art as propaganda, the avant-garde, & formal innovation. 




WRIT 102 or WRIT 201 & ART 252