ART 213 Photography II: An Intermediate Exploration of Medium, Content and Context

2021-2022 Catalog

This course builds on foundation skills and is intended for students with an intermediate understanding of black-and-white photography, darkroom techniques, and camera handling who are prepared to explore the creative potential of the photographic medium.  To further the development of a personal aesthetic, students engage in research to identify historic or contemporary photographers whose work inspires them. Both an oral presentation and a written research paper are required to deconstruct the photographer’s techniques and determine how they can incorporate similar methodologies into their own image-making process. An important experiential aspect of study will be viewing numerous historic and contemporary photographic exhibitions and will require students to think analytically and engage in classroom discussions as part of the critique process. The course culminates in the creation of a cohesive portfolio of images and a well constructed artist statement.Additional lab fee applies.




ART 121


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