Please note that all fees are non-refundable after the first day of the semester and only tuition will be cancelled according to the following schedules:

2019-2020 Catalog

Complete Withdrawal Policy

Fall and Spring Sessions (based on a 15 week term)

If you withdraw % cancelled
On or before term start date full cancellation
During the first week of term 75%
During the second week 50%
During the third week 25%
During & after the fourth week 0%

Summer Sessions (based on a five or six week term)

If you withdraw % cancelled
On or before term start date full cancellation
During the first week of term 75%
During the second week 25%
During & after the third week. 0%

January Session (based on terms shorter than five weeks)

If you withdraw % cancelled
On or before term start date full cancellation
During the first week of the term 25%
During & after the second week 0%

Partial Withdrawal**

Fall and Spring Sessions (based on a 15 week term)

If you withdraw % cancelled
on or before term start date full cancellation
During the first week of term 75%
During the second week 50%
During the third week 25%
During & after the fourth week 0%

** change in status from full-time to part-time will incur forfeiture charges for the difference between the full-time and part-time tuition rate.

NOTE: Program Change Fees may apply to partial withdrawal.

Housing Cancellation Schedule (housing deposit not refundable)

Fall and Spring Sessions (based on a 15 week term)

If you withdraw % cancelled
On or before term start date 75% housing
After term start date 0% housing

Summer Sessions (housing deposit not refundable)

If you withdraw % cancelled
On or before term start date 50% housing
After term start date 0% housing

January Session

If you withdraw % cancelled
Before the last day of the Fall semester 50% housing
On or after last day of the Fall semester 0% housing