2024-2025 Catalog

First and Second Years


Writing Requirement, 6 Credits

Writing Requirement Learning Objectives:

  • Develop well-structured and thesis-driven argumentative essays.
  • Design an original academic research project, which will include relevant and appropriate sources and will be structured in accordance with the current standard of academic dialogue.
  • Demonstrate competence in the ability to deliver an organized and effective oral presentation.

Complete two of the following courses:

WRIT 101Writing Seminar I



WRIT 102Writing Seminar II



WRIT 201Advanced Writing Seminar



Students are placed in the appropriate course based on their current skills level. Completion of both Advanced Placement Capstone Seminar and Research with a score of 3, 4 or 5 will result in placement directly into WRIT 201.


Math Requirement, 3 Credits

Math Requirement Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrate competence in applying basic quantitative skills in solving problems from various areas of mathematics.
  • Select and implement an appropriate mathematical method to solve real-world problems.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in that they can analyze an article in the media and identify flaws in the claims and methods presented there, as well as formulate substantive questions regarding the article.
  • Effectively communicate mathematical ideas both in written and oral form.
  • Produce graphs, do calculations, and present their results using appropriate software.


Complete one of the following courses:

MATH 113Quantitative Reasoning


MATH 129Intermediate Algebra


MATH 141Precalculus


MATH 209Discrete Mathematics


MATH 210Calculus I


MATH 224Statistics


MATH 230Cryptography


Students in the Biology, Biomedical Sciences, or Environmental Studies majors should, depending on placement, take MATH 141, MATH 210, or MATH 224 in place of MATH 113.

Other students with advanced preparation in mathematics may take MATH 141 or higher in place of MATH 113.


New York City Seminar (NYCS), 3 Credits

NYC Seminar Learning Objectives:


As a result of taking the NYC Seminar, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate learning about a specific topic or theme through the lens of New York City;
  • Articulate the connections between this learning experience and their engagement with New York City;
  • Apply fundamental critical and/or creative skills in articulating these connections (ILO 2).

NYC Seminars (NYCS)




Social Justice Seminar (SJS), 3 Credits

Social Justice Seminar Learning Objectives:


As a result of taking the Social Justice Seminar, students will be able to:

  • Analyze the social, political, economic, and/or cultural factors necessary for promoting equity (ILO 1);
  • Demonstrate the ability to utilize creativity and/or collaboration in pursuit of meaningful social change (ILO 4);
  • Apply critical and/or creative skills to the work of pursuing social justice (ILO 2).

Social Justice Seminars (SJS)



100-/200-level class outside of declared major, 3 Credits

  • Any 100/200 level course outside the student’s major and not including courses already counting for General Education requirements (including MATH 109). 
  • Students completing a double-major or a minor may “double-dip” this requirement with an appropriate course in their major or minor program to satisfy both areas.