Computer Stations, Laptops and Connectivity

2024-2025 Catalog

While many students bring their own computers to campus, the Library has an additional 80 laptops available to students for loan. The library also provides dedicated comfortable space which accommodates student’s computer based work. The first floor houses 12 computers designated specifically for research. On the second floor of the library there are 22 PC workstations, 6 Macs and one computer loaded with Kurzweil software and a scanner for people with visual disabilities. For support with assistive technology requirements see Disability Services section of the catalog. A limited number of general PC workstations in the Nugent Lounge, the 4th floor of the Nugent building, and in the Commons are also available for student use. Wireless connectivity to the MMC network is available across the campus. Wifi is supported at the main campus (MMC71W) and the 55th Street Dorm (MMC55W) up to the current standard “N” technology.