2024-2025 Catalog

IS 396 Professional Immersion

Professional Immersion allows students to engage in an intensive, semester-long experience in a workplace, supplemented by connected academic coursework at MMC. The Professional Immersion requires a more significant commitment of time and energy than the typical internship and as a result becomes the focus of a student’s educational experience during the semester in which it is undertaken.

The Professional Immersion will be approved for six to nine (6-9) credits and may be designed at the 300- or 400-level. It should be scheduled and planned in conjunction with coursework in the student’s major that complements the experience in the workplace. The Professional Immersion is generally unpaid, or is compensated by stipend (e.g., not a salary or standard wage).

In general, MMC students are limited to counting 15 Internship and Independent Study credits towards graduation; students who undertake a Professional Immersion experience may count up to 18 Professional Immersion, Internship, and/or Independent Study credits towards graduation. Professional Immersion credits do not count toward the thirty-credit residency requirement at MMC. Individual departments and programs establish standards for counting Professional Immersion credits towards completion of major requirements.

Students may only engage in a Professional Immersion semester one time during their undergraduate program at MMC.




To be eligible for a Professional Immersion, a student must have successfully completed at least thirty (30) credit hours of study at MMC. Transfer students or non-matriculated students are eligible after two semesters of study at MMC. A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and completion of the relevant Career Lab offered by the Office of Student Services are also required. Individual departments and programs that support the Professional Immersion experience may maintain additional or more robust eligibility requirements.