ENV 117 The Urban Ecosystem

2023-2024 Catalog

As the most populous city in the United States, New York is a complex urban ecosystem. In this course, students will learn about various aspects of science and technology using NYC as a case study. Through field trips, lectures, and readings, students will explore the science of the urban landscape, as well as the particular environmental challenges faced by NYC. Our class will unfold in various urban green spaces, including the lawns and woods of Central Park and local waterways large and small. Field trips may include visits to the old High Bridge aqueduct, the Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the Hudson River. By documenting these experiences, students will deepen their understanding of the relationship of our great city to its natural environment. Students will also learn how to analyze, interpret, and present scientific data using publicly available environmental health statistics on NYC.gov. Additional lab fee applies.
