Marymount Manhattan College is committed to preserving a safe and academically-focused classroom environment, while remaining accessible to the community it serves. The College encourages safe, supervised campus visits by members of the public for the purposes of engaging in College sanctioned events, exploring educational opportunities and making decisions about their academic future.
For purposes of this policy, the following definitions are used:
- Classroom Visitor is a person who has no affiliation with the College. A classroom visitor has never been admitted to the college and has never enrolled in classes;
- Classroom Minor Visitor is anyone who meets the definition of classroom visitor AND is under the age of 18;
- Classroom Invited Guest is a person who has no affiliation with the College, but is invited by the classroom faculty to participate in classroom activities for the purpose of student educational enrichment.
Any classroom visitation, beyond those sanctioned by the College, may be permitted with the following precautions and limitations, which are intended to protect health and safety, maintain productivity and comply with regulations.
- Visitation to a classroom (on campus or via Zoom) must be for the purpose of investigating future attendance, participating in an official college sanctioned event, or by invitation of the classroom faculty.
- Classroom visitors are at the discretion of the classroom faculty.
- Classroom visitor/minor visitor emails professor of class no later than one week prior.
- For in-person visits, faculty should notify Campus Safety via email at least 24 hours in advance the name, date(s) and time of visit, and classroom location for all invited guests to adhere with safety response standards.
- Classroom visitors/minor visitors are restricted to attending one session of any individual class.
- The conduct of a classroom visitor, minor visitor, the parent, legal guardian, or adult representative of a minor visitor, and/or invited guest shall not interfere with the educational process or learning environment, and all are expected to abide by all operational regulations and guidelines, including safety and access restrictions.
- The college reserves the right to revoke visitation permission at any time.