Behavioral Neuroscience

2022-2023 Catalog

Behavioral Neuroscience examines the role of the nervous system on behavior. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Behavioral Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental major combining psychology, biology, chemistry, math and speech language pathology and audiology. It is designed to promote an in-depth understanding of the rapidly expanding field of neuroscience.

An emphasis on the practical applications of neuroscience to scientific, health, social, political, cultural and ethical issues will combine to provide insight for improving quality of life, especially for vulnerable populations. Students completing this major, in conjunction with specific course requirements for individual programs will be prepared to pursue advanced degrees in neuroscience (Master’s, Ph.D., MD or JD (Neuro-Law)), Baccalaureate careers, professional programs in neuroscience (e.g. clinical psychology, art /dance therapy) and related fields.

Consistent with the MMC mission, a major in behavioral neuroscience will provide students with a multidisciplinary foundation allowing them to be competitive in professional academic programs. Students will be prepared to be an active participants helping to provide solutions to world issues under the purview of neuroscience.


Academic Division:  Sciences
Division Office:  Carson Hall 706
Office Phone:  212-774-0725
Interim Division Chair:  Ken Ching
Administrative Assistant:  Samantha Prosser
Academic Department:  Psychology
Department Chair:  Sarah Weinberger-Litman
Program Coordinator:  Deirtra Hunter-Romagnoli


Program Faculty:

Faculty from various Departments teach courses in the Behavioral Neuroscience major.

Deirtra Hunter-Romagnoli

Benedetta Sampoli Benitez

Ann Aguanno


Behavioral Neuroscience Courses (NEU)


Behavioral Neuroscience Programs:

Major: Behavioral Neuroscience, B.S. (2099), 45 Credits