
2019-2020 Catalog

A matriculated student is one who has stated an intention to complete the degree requirements of the College, has satisfied all entrance requirements of the College, and has been accepted for admission for part-time or full-time study. Students who wish to take leave for a semester while pursuing their degree must file a Maintenance of Matriculation form with the Registrar in order to maintain their status within their degree program. Those who do not must apply for readmission and will be subject to degree requirements in effect at the time of their readmission.

Matriculated students are classified on the following basis according to the number of credits completed:

First Year - - - - - - 0-29 credits

Sophomore - - - - 30-59 credits

Junior - - - - - - - - 60-89 credits

Senior - - - - - - - - 90+ credit

Non-Degree Students

  • Non-degree students whose cumulative GPA is below a 2.0 are allowed to take no more than 12 credits during the subsequent semester.
  • All non-degree students are required to meet at least once with their assigned academic advisor during the semester.
  • A non-degree student may be dismissed from the College if his/her cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0 for two consecutive semesters.
  • To be considered for a change from non-degree to degree status, a student must be in good academic standing, defined for this purpose as having successfully completed at least 12 MMC credits, excluding remedial courses, with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 or better.
  • A non-degree student who has already attempted 30 or more MMC credits, but whose application to become a degree student has been denied may be asked to leave the College. Those who have not yet attempted 30 credits, and have been denied, may ask to remain in the College, improve their academic standing, and subsequently reapply for consideration.
  • Students in post-baccalaureate programs may be exempted from some of the above requirements.