2019-2020 Catalog


A minor in Chemistry will provide students with a solid foundation in general and organic chemistry and prepare them for graduate and professional programs that require a chemistry background. Chemistry courses also form part of the majors in Biology and Biomedical Sciences, as well as General Education offerings. Biology majors take up to five semesters of chemistry, a large part of their major requirements.

Division: Sciences
Division Office: Carson Hall 706
Phone: 212-774-0725
Division Chair: Benedetta Sampoli Benitez, Ph.D.
Division Assistant: Kate Warner

Program Faculty:

Alessandra Leri

Professor of Chemistry

Coordinator, Urban and Environmental Sustainability Program

B.S., College of William and Mary

M.A., University of Virginia

Ph.D., Princeton University

Carson Hall 603

Phone: 212-517-0661


Benedetta A. Sampoli Benitez

Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chair, Division of the Sciences

B.S. & M.S., University of Florence

Ph.D., University of California, San Diego

Carson Hall 614

Phone: 212-517-0653


Chemistry Courses (CHEM)